Saturday, February 22, 2014

How to Clean Up or Organize your iTunes Music Library Easily?

Q1: Is there a program that will clean iTunes?

“I am just wondering if there is a program that i can download (preferably free) that will assist me in cleaning my iTunes library. I am very meticulous about organization and i can't seem to seem to get everything done that i would like.”

Q2: How can I clean up my iTunes library?

“I'm tired of it looking so messy. I have a lot of repeated songs and tracks that are repeated. How can I clean it up?”

Q3: How to clean my iTunes Library?

“My iTunes Library annoys me so much! I'd like to clean up all the songs that're misspelled and everything like that in just one quick shot! Is there a popular internet file that people can download for free to clean iTunes music files?”

Missing songs artist information, and album artwork? many "unknown artist" and "Track 01"? Lost of duplicated music? To fix all of these problems, Tenorshare Music Cleanup is what you need. It help you clean up iTunes music library easily and quickly, so that get iTunes library organized and optimized. Download and install this tool to operate it step by step.

Step 1. Import Your Music Library

After you open Music Cleanup, you will find "iTunes Music Clean" is the default mode.

Step 2: Scan to Identity Undefined Songs and Find Duplicates

Click "Start Scan" to scan the whole iTunes library to identify all the undefined songs and find duplicates.

Step 3. Fix Music Information

After the scanning is over, Tenorshare Music Cleanup will list the scan result, showing you how many undefined songs and how many song duplicates. Select “Undefined Songs” on the left and you can view all the undefined music in the thumbnail form or in the tabular form. Choose one song and its information will show in the right column.
Click "Identify" in the status bar to allow Music Cleanup to intelligently find all the artist info, album artwork, song name, genre, year, etc. After checking the information, click "Apply". Then all the info will be added to the music files (you are allow to "Identify" information over and over again).

clean up itunes

Step 4. Remove Duplicated Songs

Select "Duplicates" on the left of the interface. You will see all duplicated songs and the number of the copies in the file tray. Choose one song and all files of the same music will show up in the right column. Usually the music file with higher quality will be put a tick and the lower quality a cross. Click "Clear Duplicate" to remove the songs to trash.

That is all. If you found this iTunes clean up guide helpful, please share it with your friends and family. Who knows, maybe they are facing this problem and need help to fix. So please share this article to help them.

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